Pixel Art progress

I’m following a course in Udemy that teaches Pixel Art and I recently started the RPG Style Characters session, I still have to go through the animations part, but this is was my result before some feedbacks:


As you can see the image is a bit bigger than the space used by the character and I think the arm looks weird, this is the fixed version and saved in a bigger size:


What was adjusted and what I learned:

  • Canvas Size: to change the canvas size just click with the right mouse button on the image tab, click on “Canvas Size…” and there you can adjust it. For me the canvas size should be as small as possible.
  • Saving with 200%: I like the visuals on the second image better, even for a game, so to it I just save it as a regular .png file, then I open it in photoshop and change the image size to double the size, it’s important to change the resample to nearest neighbor.
  • Self cast shadow: This is really important in this perspective, the shadows help you have the idea of positioning, in the first image there is almost no shadow in the arms, this helps to make it feel weird, adding the shadow make it looks like the elbow is a bit bended and achieve the look that we usually want in this perspective.
  • Perspective: Seeing it in a top down perspective change a lot of things in the drawing process, the best is to look some references and think why something does not look nice (just like the arms on the first image), happens that the shoulders were also a bit short on the first image. On this perspective you see more of the shoulders, so I corrected it in the second image.

That’s it for this Pixel Art update! Next week I will be working more on Music Composition and maybe try the animations of this guy, I will post here again when I finish the animation, after that I will think of writing about or recording the whole process of me drawing a pixel art character.

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