Small side projects

On my last monthly update I talked about developing a minesweeper game in JavaScript, then I remembered that I had another small project on mind, today I got another one, I’m going to describe them here.

What they are and what I want with them

They are three small projects that I have in mind, Minesweeper, a Text Game and a Tic Tac Toe game (it will get exciting I swear).

The thing is that each one of these projects are more of a learning experience of something that is new to me, what I want to do is to develop them and then write a post here on how to do it.

For more specific examples read the next section.


Minesweeper: This one is to test my abilities on web development, my biggest challenge here is to do the HTML/CSS visuals with the JavaScript logic, also I would like to develop a simple AI that can play it. What I would talk about: How to link the HTML/CSS with the javascript for this specific game and how the AI was implemented (probably it will be just a probability calculator).

Text Game: This idea came to me when I remembered that I love C++ and that I’ve been playing only with JavaScript and C#, so I came up with this project for developing a text game. What I would talk about: How to implement a Text Game! Probably things about Graphs, State Machines and Design Patterns

Tic Tac Toe: This one is for university and the one I’m going to develop first, I have to understand how Monte Carlo Tree Search works, so I decided to try a simple implementation and I guess tic tac toe is the most simple game ever. What I would talk about: Monte Carlo Tree Search. I want to explain it and go through all the implementation steps. It will also help me to learn it better. PS: The Internet says that this algorithm is really used in Games and the best Go and Chess players use this algorithm, so it might also be useful to know this as a gamedev, who knows.

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